Design Patent License Agreement

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Design Patent License Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

A design patent is a form of intellectual property protection that covers the ornamental features of a functional item. The patent grants the holder exclusive rights to manufacture, use, and sell the design for a limited period. However, most design owners prefer to license their patents to others who can produce and distribute their products while earning a royalty fee. To ensure a fair deal between the licensor and licensee parties, a design patent license agreement is necessary.

What is a Design Patent License Agreement?

A design patent license agreement is a legal contract between a design patent owner (licensor) and a manufacturer or distributor who wants to use the design (licensee). The agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the licensee may use the patent-protected design. It specifies the scope of the license, the duration, and the royalty fee to be paid to the licensor. The goal is to protect the intellectual property rights of the design owner while allowing others to benefit from it.

Elements of a Design Patent License Agreement

A design patent license agreement contains several crucial elements, which include:

1. Identification of Parties: The agreement must identify the parties involved, including the design patent owner and the licensee. It should also indicate their legal status and contact details.

2. Grant of License: The agreement should clearly state the scope of the license granted to the licensee. It should include the product(s) covered by the design patent, the geographical area, and the duration of the license.

3. Royalty Fee: The agreement should specify the royalty fee to be paid by the licensee to the licensor. The amount and method of payment should be clearly outlined.

4. Quality Control: The agreement should outline the quality control measures that the licensee must comply with to ensure that the product(s) manufactured or distributed meet the patent owner`s standards. The licensor may require periodic inspection of the product(s) or samples.

5. Termination: The agreement must indicate the circumstances under which the license may be terminated. It should also specify the consequences of termination, such as the licensee`s obligation to stop manufacturing or distributing the product(s) and the licensor`s right to seek damages.

6. Confidentiality: The agreement may include a confidentiality clause to protect the design patent owner`s trade secrets and other confidential information.


A design patent is a valuable asset that can generate significant revenue for the owner through licensing. However, a design patent license agreement is necessary to ensure that both parties benefit from the arrangement. The agreement should be carefully crafted to include all the essential elements that protect the intellectual property rights of the licensor while granting the licensee the right to use the design patent on agreed terms. Consult with a legal expert to draft a comprehensive design patent license agreement that meets your needs and protects your interests.

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